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Title / Description Sample audio / Youtube
DOKI (Earthen Vessels) (400)

For mixed chorus with piano and 2 percussion players.
Lyrics by Masaji Chujyo
Duration: 30 min.
Masaji Chujyo, a poet was inspired by “The Rope Crest”, the Queen Elisabeth Music Competition Grand Prize and wrote a poem and ask Hiro to make a music for it.  It took a long way to realize the actual performance and finally revealed to audience at the 10th anniversary special performance of Gifu Cultural Center in 1995, titled 
 “The Wold of Hiro Fujikake”.

His poem is consisted with astonishing words of onomatopoeia like a spell, those words come from his sense of art. We can actually feel the rhythm of ancient time with spectacular music.

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1. Be! God of Fire!
2. Fire! of RUBARUGO
3. NouMakuFudara
4. Hihobe! Yahobe!
5. House Yansarenow
6. Love Song
7. Marriage Song
8. Praise Song for the Sun

DOKI newspaper


Hiroshima Spirit (401)

Mixed Chorus with piano
Duration: 9min.

The lyrics were wrote by one of the most respected person, Tomin Harada(-1999) who used to work as a surgeon in Hiroshima under tragic experience of atomic bomb attack during World WarII, music was composed by Hiro. First performed by solo orchestra with pan flute and mixed chorus on 6th, August at Hiroshima Sea and Island Expo. Later, it was performed by Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra and CD was released.  It was composed to wish for peace not only for Hiroshima but also worldwide. It’s been sang at every Memorial Day in Hiroshima and when the chorus group of Hiroshima have stage at overseas. Hiro hopes this music helps more people to realize importance of  peace for everyone living in this earth.

* Recommended to perform with wind orchestra or symphony orchestra.

Calling from Ground (402)

Mixed Chorus with piano, Chorus Suite
Duration: 18min.

People lived strong in a difficult period with being swayed by the authority and wars. This is all about love through its death and their life. The powerful chorus is one of a great  feather.

1. A song of the Earth
2. Will be back with triumph 
3. Wind! Tell him Please…
4. R
5. Under the blue sky

 Unpublished work
Tender Songs for soprano/ tenor (403)

Song Collection for soprano and tenor with piano
Lyrics(Poem) by Michizo Tachihara
Duration: 5 min. each

1. Overture
2. See you at 
deciduous forest
3. In the morning

These were written when Hiro was 19 years old.

Tender Songs for alto/ baritone (404)

Song Collection for alto and baritone with piano
Lyrics(Poem) by Michizo Tachihara

Duration: 5 min. each

1. Overture
2. See you at 
deciduous forest
3. In the morning

These were written when Hiro was 19 years old.

Ballad (407)

Mixed quartet or quartet chorus with piano
Lyrics by Masaji Chujyo
Duration: 30 min.

1. Prologue
2. Hechima(Loofah)
3. Frog and Telescope
4. Wooden Horse
5. Hard walnut
6. Crow
7. Star Children
8. Sleepy Fox
9. a A Buddhist priest
10. Finale

Ballad  (408)

Trios or three female chorus with piano
Lyrics by Masaji Chujyo
Duration: 30 min.

1. Prologue
2. Hechima(Loofah)
3. Frog and Telescope
4. Wooden Horse
5. Hard walnut
6. Crow
7. Star Children
8. Sleepy Fox
9. a A Buddhist priest
10. Finale

Ballad (409)

Solo with piano
Lyrics by Masaji Chujyo
Duration: 30 min.

1. Prologue
2. Hechima(Loofah)
3. Frog and Telescope
4. Wooden Horse
5. Hard walnut
6. Crow
7. Star Children
8. Sleepy Fox
9. a A Buddhist priest
10. Finale