The fist Solo Orchestra was performed in 1979, and broadcasted by NHK(Japanese national television) , also captured by Newspapers. During the performance “Galactic Symphony(804)” was gained high reputation among various pieces, later the music was released worldwide from Belgium. Solo orchestra was called “One -man Orchestra” at the time. My dear friend, Jill Bain who lived in London named this performance, “Solo Orchestra” that only one person is able to play 100-menmber-orchestra with using computer. This is a synthesizer full orchestra that is capable of controlling more than 1000 different timbre and creating magnificent sounds for symphonies, operas as well as various kinds of music. This is not only for recording purpose but also performing solo orchestra concerts attract good reviews. It has been consisted with a computer, 4 to 6 keyboards and dozens of sound sources. It is very unfortunate that there is a possibility that the any work can be ruined depending on performance, Hiro’s work was not exception, he had very regrettable experiences and that determined him to create ideal sounds that satisfies himself. A lot of past composers are often reassessed after many years from their death, we ‘ll never know how they were devastated by bad reputation at the period. The idea of “Solo Orchestra” is based on the composer’s thoughts that he eager to bring ideal presentation to the audience directly!
Sample Audio of Galactic Symphony
NHK「 たったひとりのオーケストラ」放送 生放送 コンサート 銀交響曲 初演 galactic symphoney
コンピューターを手足として使い,100人編成のフル.オーケストラにも勝る響きを作り出し一人(ソロ)で演奏出来るシステムをLondonの友人Jill Bainが「Solo Orchestra」と命名してくれました。1000種類以上の音色を自在に駆使して交響曲やオペラ等の 壮大な音楽や、様々な曲をたった一人(ソロ)で演奏するシンセサイザー.フル.オーケストラ!レコーディングのみでなく多くのコンサートでもチケット売り切れになる程大好評である。コンピューター/キーボード4~6台/音源 数十台分から成り立っています。オーケストラの演奏が良く無い為に、とても悔しい思いをした事がありました。昔の作曲家は死後何年もたってから「やはり素晴らしい作品だった」と再評価されたりしてきましたが、いたたまれない気持ちだったんだろうな、と思います。「作曲家の思い描いている理想的な表現を、今すぐに伝えたい!」という発想が原点になっています。